Property is located on the North side of 204TH St in O’Brien FL 32071 just to the east of the neighbor on the corner of 113th drive and 204th street (use that address for GPS purposes- 20269 113TH DR OBRIEN FL) Please use the property outline picture in this listing as there is not for sale sign posted
RV friendly. Most counties do not allow living in an RV beyond a week or two, Suwannee County is much more liberal and easy going.
$16,900 cash or $4500 down & monthly payments
Nearby Cities:
- Lake City, FL (21 miles)
- Gainesville, FL (45 miles)
- Valdosta, GA (58 miles)
- Jacksonville, FL (79 miles)
Address: 4 Acres - 204TH St.
City: O'Brien
State: FL
ZIP: 32071
Square Feet: 4 Acres
Additional Features:
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